This has made such an impact on my daily life that it deserves its own page!
What is “Grounding” or “Earthing”?
Grounding simply means direct contact with the earth. Earthing is when the body is in direct contact with the surface of the earth.
Why This Matters
Before rubber soles were invtented, humans had direct contact with the earth much of the time. Since the invention of the shoes we wear currently, humans have lost this connection almost fully. The reason this is significant is because the body’s electrical state changes when it has direct contact with the earth. Studies have shown that when connected to the earth, inflammation throughout the body decreases. Inflammation = pain (and other issues), reduce inflammation = less pain
This all sounded like some crazy hippie thing to me at first. But then I looked at the actual proven science of it, and then it made total sense.
For a more in depth explanation of this, please watch the video below
My Personal Experience
I deal with a lot of daily fatigue and pain, and my body has a really hard time recovering from muscle or joint pain. So I decided to ground my bed with a grounding sheet. For some reason the fitted sheets were significantly more expensive than the flat, so I purchased a flat sheet and tried various methods on using it as a fitted sheet to get the most guaranteed contact. The results? I woke up with less muscle and joint pain.
I thought this was coincidence, but each time I pushed my body to where I knew I’d be miserable the next day, I wasn’t. Time passed, and I kinda forgot about the sheet (but kept it on my bed). Then suddenly my pain returned. I went through a week of it getting worse. I knew it must have been another flare. But then one day I went to wash my bedding and I noticed my sheet was unplugged. I didn’t know for how long, or how it got unplugged. So I plugged it back in, and guess what? Yep, I woke up with less pain.
At this point I started believing the sheet might be doing something. So I purchased an actual fitted sheet, along with a grounding tester. I tested the fitted sheet on my bed with the grounding tester, and the sheet was grounded. But for some reason when I laid on the sheet and tested myself, I kept going in and out of a grounded state. After some research, I decied to go full out hippie and buy a grounding rod that goes into the actual ground outside my window. This seemed to do the trick. When I place the grounding tester on my body now, my body seems to stay grounded.
The results? My pain level has dropped significantly, I sleep better, and I fall alseep faster. My pain isn’t gone, but I don’t wake up in the same amount of pain that I’m in the night before, and this is HUGE for me.
I now have my kids sleeping on grounding pillowcases, and also gave one to my husband. I’m also working on a DIY method to ground my 4 elderly cats! Recently, I forced my mother to sleep on a grounding sheetm and she has also noticed huge improvement. She is still in denial that it could actually be as simple as sleeping on a special sheet at night. So now she has my sister getting one to see if she has similar results.
Different Products
There are lots of grounding products out there to choose from. From a wrist band you plug into a wall to various matts and sheets. I chose to go with grounding while I sleep because it was the easiest and and longest way for me to be grounded. I just didn’t need another things to reember to do during the day. The links to products I have above are the ones I’m currently using, and have tested with my grounding meter.
About the Sheets
Some things to consider about the sheets…
You can’t put a pillowcase over a grounding pillowccase and still be grounded. I tried this because I prefer to sleep on silk so I don’t wake up with wild crazy hair. The silk pillowcase broke the grounding circut. So I ordered a copper infused pillowcase thinking the copper might conduct over the silver, but it didn’t work either.
Some of your body must have direct contact with the sheet. If you sleep fully clothed from head to toe, it will break the grounding. Most of the sheets I have found are 5% silver (which is the part of the sheet that makes them grounded). I currently have and order for a 10% silver pillowcase that I hope will allow more contact and maybe tolerate a silk pillowcase over it. I will update on those results when it comes! If that doesn’t work, I’m going to look into other workarounds for my curly hair.
*Page contains affiliate links to products I use and have tested.